
In my 19 years of teaching the day spent with Shaun and our pupils was my most powerful day in education. Within school now there is a clear LGBT+ presence and voice. I do feel that they can see themselves reflected more in school that before and I have heard far less homophobic language within the school.
- Ben Eyres Assistant Headteacher Ramsey Grammar School, Isle of Man
Engaging, informative and inspirational. Shaun grabbed the attention of the room and held it whilst exploring LGBT+ bullying in a sensitive and humorous manner.
- Liverpool John Moore’s University
Outstanding lecture which has completely opened my mind. Best lecture so far this year, spoke so much truth.
- Student delegate at Nottingham University
Thanks for the great lecture at Derby Uni! It was incredible and inspiring.
- University of Derby
Powerful lecture by an inspiring teacher. Equality and safety for all children.
- London South Bank
Just amazing and inspiring-every school should hear these messages.
- Training Delegate
Really worthwhile course which all schools should access, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain by signing up. Prepare to be educated, moved and inspired.
- Training Delegate
Provided a really comprehensive overview of the impact of prejudice related bullying, but crucially the range of whole school approaches that can be effective in tackling it.
- Training Delegate
Shaun gave me a greater understanding of the issues related to LGBT+ bullying and how it can affect attainment for pupils.
- Training Delegate
An invaluable tool to assess your own prejudices and practice and subsequently develop a safe and respectful environment for all children where they are valued and celebrated for who they are.
- Training Delegate
Our children loved him, when can you come back?? Faith School Outstanding-Shaun’s work should be in every school!
- House of Commons Delegate
One of the first times I have heard a pupil genuinely declare that they felt inspired after an end of day assembly!
- Head of House
Our students were engaged at all times. The shocking input at the beginning about people taking their own lives due to homophobic bullying really got their attention. He was able to clearly explain the impact of bullying on him which really hit home with the students, His manner was engaging and interesting. Three teachers so far have said his input was much needed by FHS students. His message was very clear that you do not have to support or agree with being gay, but you must not cause harm, and you must show people respect. The message also about using the word “gay” as a term of insult was also very clear.
- Head of House
Our first PSHE lesson on homosexuality was complemented really well by the more direct approach in the assembly and I liked the personal aspect very much of Shaun’s delivery.
- Form tutor and curriculum developer
Pupils and staff really enjoyed him – I thought it was very powerful to have the personal testimony from someone in education – also, he was funny and energetic – he shot a hole through every possible justification of prejudice.
- Assistant Head
Shaun talked about being gay so openly, we really appreciated that. It is what made it so interesting.
- Year 9 pupil
Shaun was very engaging indeed. Year 10 students thought he was very brave.
- Head of Year 10
Shaun Dellenty is a legend and a hero to many; he leads by example- a fantastic inspiring man.
- Training Delegate
Inspirational, heartfelt speaker. He invites you into his world so you can make change within yours.
- Training Delegate
Shaun gave an inspiring after dinner speech at the NASUWT Conference.
- Training Delegate
Shaun is an inspiration. He delivered a very motivating talk to my university. What an important role model for all of us.
- Training Delegate
Shaun is a role model for the whole education sector.
- Training Delegate
Helping our young people be safe and helping them understand that bullying has no place in a modern world is paramount to a decent and civilised future. Shaun is a leading light in this area, delivering exceptional work against the odds.
- Training Delegate
Shaun is an extraordinary communicator with a strong sense of compassion and deep understanding of humanity. His voice should be heard in every school and education establishment around the world. I urge every teacher and parent to hear him out.
- TEDx Hackney
I worked with Shaun in delivering input on challenging homophobia in schools. He is brave, challenging and a powerful speaker using his own experiences to engage with the issues.
- Training Delegate
The Amnesty Teacher Programme is a pioneering year of CPD enabling teachers to bring human rights education into their schools. Shaun Dellenty has worked with Amnesty International to deliver workshops to our cohorts of Amnesty Teachers. Shaun is an extraordinarily powerful presenter who effectively communicates the vital nature of this work? His inspiring sessions have enabled our Amnesty Teachers to address the serious issue of bullying in their schools. Amnesty Teachers have also used elements of Shaun’s whole school approach to address other human rights issues in their schools.
- Amnesty UK Education Team
An excellent role model of a professional person fighting for change for vulnerable youth
- Training Delegate
In my role as Head of NSPCC Safe Networks I worked closely with Shaun to develop an awareness raising session, face to face and via webinar for Safe Networks. LGBT History Month activity. Shaun was absolutely amazing throughout the process of planning and delivery. He was professional at all times. In 2015 we won the 2015 British LGBT Award for Charity/Community initiative of the year and have no doubt this was in part to Shaun.
- Head of NSPCC Safe Networks
I can think of no-one who has done more to combat homophobic bullying and language in schools than Shaun, he is an inspiration to us all.
- Training Delegate
An inspiration. A hero in my eyes.
- Training Delegate
Shaun works tirelessly up and down the country to train teachers and other staff working with children in how to effectively challenge and eradicate LGBT+ bullying. His work is done from the belief that no LGBT+ child should be bullied. Shaun is a tireless campaigner for human rights.
- Training Delegate
Shaun delivers exceptional holistic support for schools seeking to embed and
celebrate equality.

Shaun’s anti-bullying programme is having a fantastic impact on increasing awareness of homophobia in schools. By equipping teachers to speak to children about these issues he is helping make sure future generations will not face the prejudice that he and many others in the LGBT community had to endure.