Theatre In Education

In 2016 Shaun Dellenty collaborated on an acclaimed anti-homophobia play for schools called ‘BOY’. BOY junior is for Years 5/6. BOY senior is for Year 7 upwards. BOY follows the journey of Joe and his three close friends as a seemingly harmless in-joke moves from ‘banter’ to something much more sinister after an incident at a party, resulting in a tragic escalation of events with life-changing consequences for all involved. The aim of BOY is to bring LGBT prejudice and bullying to the fore and to create safe spaces for all young people regardless of identity. BOY is interactive from beginning to end, where young people actively explore important issues relevant to them and ‘try out’ solutions in a safe atmosphere. To date BOY has been delivered to over 4,000 young people in schools, colleges, special schools and religious schools and was performed in U.K. Parliament during Parliament Week Nov 2016.

For bookings and more information please visit

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